4 Ways to a More Youthful-Looking Neck


From laptops to tablets to smartphones and more, millennial tech habits appear to be causing a new wave of an old aesthetic concern. A condition that was once referred to as “turkey neck” is now being renamed “tech neck,” as our latest addiction to gadgets —and the tendency to have our necks bent to look down at a screen—may be a growing cause of sagging skin around the chin and neck.

While it may not be possible to toss out the smartphone, there are ways to reverse and minimize the effects of our screen time and other factors that contribute to loose skin and other signs of premature aging. Here, we’ve rounded up the top four ways to stop a sagging neckline for a smoother, younger-looking profile.

Adjust Your Screen Time 

Studies show that tech neck is trending among people between the ages of 18 and 39 and who own at least three devices. The connection is easy to spot; it’s understandable, but it’s also preventable. If it’s necessary to use a tablet or smartphone, to prevent undue pressure on the spine and wrinkling in neck skin, hold your device at eye level, rather than around the waist or on the lap. Likewise, laptops may be convenient, but they’re not the best option for a nine to five. For full-time work requiring a computer, opt for a desktop and ensure the screen is at eye level for the most ergonomic setup to prevent a sagging neck. When possible, designate some time to log off your devices. Instead, get active or get social in person. Overall, introducing limits to the time spent on our devices is the best step toward a smoother, younger-looking profile long-term.

Extend Skincare Past the Jawline

A daily anti-aging skincare routine for the face is a necessity for preventing sagging skin and wrinkles, so why wouldn’t we extend this same regimen to our neck and chest? It seems simple, but it’s an oft-missed step. We understand—skin care can be time consuming and adding to the routine isn’t exactly helping matters. However, the extra time spent giving attention to the chin, neck, and décolleté will be well worth it over time as the youthful appearance of your face continues to match the youthful-looking skin on your chest and neck. This tip especially extends to SPF, because the skin on the neck is thinner and it lacks as many oil glands to promote natural skin moisture compared to skin on the face. That means that the damaging effects of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays in breaking down collagen and elastin within the skin has a more pronounced effect on the neck—so don’t forget your sunscreen, no matter the weather

Incorporate Some Neck Yoga 

It may look a little silly, but yoga for the neck activates little-used muscles and increases movement in the area, promoting better blood circulation and healthier skin. In turn, this promotes collagen and elastin production, keeping skin appearing firm, flexible, smooth, and youthful. Start with a few rotations of the neck and move on to tilting the head back and kissing the sky to stretch out the neck and work out the muscles under the chin that extend all the way down to the clavicle. Find and follow one of the many instructional videos on YouTube to get started.

Up the Ante

The effects of overlooking skin care for the chin and neck to this point may require something a little stronger than your average skincare regimen. To fend off fine lines that have just begun to appear, consider exfoliation via microdermabrasion treatments to boost skin cell turnover for firmer, smoother skin. If skin on the neck and chin is sagging or more deep-set wrinkles are the target, consider a radio frequency treatment plan for firmer skin. Radio frequency treatment technologies safely deliver targeted heat below the skin’s surface to kick start the natural collagen and elastin production cycle. This delivers new collagen proteins and elastin fibers to the target area, restoring plumpness, smoothing out wrinkles, and increasing elasticity for a smoother, firmer, younger-looking neck.

To learn more about how radio frequency skin tightening treatments can stop your sagging neckline, or to discover which treatment is right for you, contact a provider today using the following search field.

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