What to Expect for Your Hair Restoration Procedure

What to Expect for Your Hair Restoration Procedure

No one wants to lose their hair, but it's an unfortunate reality for millions of men and women. In fact, up to 85% of American men find that their hair has gotten significantly thinner by the time they turn 50. Whether the result of genetics or a health condition such as alopecia, thinning hair is much more than a cosmetic problem. 

Hair loss can impact your self-confidence and even lead to emotional distress. Many people try topical treatments and over-the-counter medications, but hair restoration is the gold standard. What is hair restoration, you ask? Read on to learn how it works, how long hair restoration lasts, and what you can expect to pay.

What Is Hair Restoration?

Simply put, hair restoration is the process of moving healthy hair follicles from the back of your head to areas where you've lost hair. Historically, the procedure was done by transplanting strips of your scalp to the areas with hair loss. Called Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), the "strip method" can be painful and could leave significant linear scarring. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a much better and more common option for hair restoration. 

What Is FUE? 

FUE is an advanced method of transferring healthy hair follicles to areas of your head where hair loss has occurred. It's the most natural-looking and minimally invasive option for hair transplant. During the procedure, a certified hair restoration provider harvests individual, terminal hair follicles using a mechanical extraction tool. Terminal hair follicles that are transplanted are naturally resistant to hair loss, so once they are implanted in the recipient area, patients see long-term results. Over a period of several months after the procedure, the follicles should regrow as healthy, natural hair.

Natural-looking Hair Restoration Options 

Getting the hair restoration results you want requires advanced technology to ensure a natural-looking head of hair. NeoGraft® hair restoration treatments extract follicles in groupings of one to four hairs from the back of the head or nape of the neck and transplants them to areas where hair loss is occurring. The transplanted hair will regrow and blend in with the surrounding hair for a natural look.

ARTAS® robotic hair restoration treatment uses the power of artificial intelligence and robotics to achieve a superior clinical outcome. ARTAS® selects donor hair follicles that are harvested with robotic precision to ensure the donor area is evenly treated. Then, the physician maps out the treatment area where the system implants the harvested follicles while protecting existing hairs in the recipient site. ARTAS® intelligently determines the optimal implantation sites which creates a seamless and natural-looking hairline. 

Neither NeoGraft® or ARTAS® cause scarring. Both treatments can be done while you are awake, so there's no need for general anesthesia. You should experience fast recovery post-procedure and expect to see full results in nine to twelve months. You may see transplanted hair fall out during the first few weeks, but don't panic: It's a completely normal part of the process. Within six months, you should notice new hair growth, and after a year, full results should be visible. 

How Long Does Hair Restoration Last? 

Some treatment options may slow the hair loss process or offer a temporary improvement in the way your hair looks. However, nutritional supplements, dietary modifications, ointments, and creams can't regrow hair. That's because once hair follicles go dormant, they simply stop growing hair. Once they've stopped, there's no way to prompt follicles to grow more hair.

There is good news. Hair restoration with ARTAS® and/or NeoGraft® provides a long-term solution for patients who want a more advanced treatment option. For most people, hair restoration results can last a lifetime. Transplanting healthy hair follicles into thinning or bald areas ensures permanent hair growth. However, hair restoration's longevity can be impacted by factors such as the type of hair, the extent of hair loss, your lifestyle, and your age. 

Depending on these factors, you may need one or more procedures to achieve permanent results.

What Does Hair Restoration Cost?

Hair restoration can appear to be expensive when compared to hair loss products purchased at drug stores. However, when considering the results of more permanent and natural-looking hair versus temporary results, hair restoration can be the more reasonable option. 

Since the needs of every person are different, the cost of your hair restoration treatment varies and you will have a better idea once a consultation is made with a certified provider. Hair restoration is typically priced per graft, so the number of grafts you need will determine your cost. On average, grafts cost $5-6 each. 

Is Hair Restoration Covered by Insurance? 

Unfortunately, hair restoration is not covered by most insurance plans. Since hair loss doesn't affect your health or ability to carry out daily activities, many insurance companies typically consider hair loss treatments to be cosmetic. 

Even so, hair restoration doesn’t have to be out of your reach. It's more affordable than you think, so don’t let the cost stop you from having a full, healthy head of hair.

Learn More About Hair Restoration Today 

Hair restoration is safe, effective, and affordable. Start your hair restoration journey by searching for a certified treatment provider near you.

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