Probiotics have been on the radar as a health essential for decades. Lately, they’re trending in a new direction—as a buzz-worthy skin care ingredient. You might be wondering what probiotics, which are known for their digestive health benefits, can do for your skin. They’ve been touted as a way to achieve a flawless glow, reverse signs of aging, and even banish skin concerns such as rosacea and acne. Is the hype true? Below, we’ll let you in on the real deal with probiotics, what they can do for your skin, and how to achieve your dream skin quickly, safely, and effectively.
Simply put, probiotics are good bacteria that help you stay healthy. The term refers to a group of microorganisms, yeasts, and common bacteria that are found in foods and supplements. These bacteria help digest food, destroy disease-causing cells, or produce vitamins. Many of the microorganisms in probiotic products are the same as or similar to microorganisms that naturally live in our bodies, primarily in the digestive tract, where they maintain a balance of healthy flora.
Probiotics work in a similar way for skin as they do for the digestive system, helping it to maintain a balance of healthy bacteria. This supports a calm complexion that’s not too dry nor too oily, and skin that can effectively repel the environmental conditions that cause inflammation. Here are the main ways that probiotics can benefit the skin:
Adding probiotics to your skin care routine is easy, as they can be found in a range of products for a variety of skin types. You’ll find them in serums, toners, cleansers, and moisturizers, often paired with other supercharged skin care ingredients. If you’re not sure whether a product contains probiotics or not, look for ingredients like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Vitreoscilla, and prebiotic sugars like xylitol. To complement the effects of probiotics, pair with other ingredients like Vitamin C to undo environmental damage, ceramides to protect and repair the skin, peptides to boost the hydration barrier, and antioxidants to fight free radicals and signs of premature aging.
For sun damage, dark spots, and other signs of photoaging caused by exposure to free radicals, Venus Versa™ photofacial treatments use Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to rejuvenate skin from underneath the surface. By reinvigorating the skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin, photofacials clear up sun damage, slow down the appearance of aging, and restore skin to a brighter, healthier, more radiant appearance.
Venus Versa™ IPL Acne Treatments use IPL energy to penetrate deep into the skin and kill the bacteria that cause acne without damaging surrounding tissue. This treatment can be used on all skin types and colors, including dark-skinned individuals. The IPL technology treats the visible signs of acne and destroys the bacteria that cause acne in the first place, preventing future breakouts. The result is improved texture, reduced inflammation, and an overall smoother, clearer complexion.
Collagen and elastin are two essential building blocks for having firm, youthful skin. Venus Legacy™ and Venus Versa™ use radio frequency energy to effectively boost collagen and elastin production as both a restorative and preventative measure against the signs of aging. Non-surgical wrinkle reduction treatments and skin tightening treatments address fine lines and deep wrinkles, at the same time improving skin laxity, sagging, and loss of elasticity. Both of these comfortable, no-downtime treatments visibly restore tighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin.
Achieve total skin renewal with one of the most sought-after treatments for improving the overall appearance of the skin and resolving issues such as scars, wrinkles, enlarged pores, or stretch marks. Venus Viva™ MD skin resurfacing treatments stimulate the skin’s natural healing mechanism by delivering Nanofractional Radio Frequency energy below the skin’s surface layers, in turn promoting collagen and elastin production. The result is a brighter, smoother complexion. Not only that, but the treatments work to correct scar tissue, improve textural irregularities of the skin, resolve hyperpigmentation and sun spots, and reverse acne scarring.
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Venus Versa™ is cleared by the FDA for the treatment of benign pigmented epidermal and cutaneous lesions, benign cutaneous vascular lesions, removal of unwanted hair, treatment of acne vulgaris, dermatological procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin, and non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles and rhytides. Venus Versa™ is licensed by Health Canada for the treatment of benign pigmented epidermal and cutaneous lesions, benign cutaneous vascular lesions, removal of unwanted hair, treatment of acne vulgaris, dermatological procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin, non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles and rhytides, and body contouring via skin tightening, circumferential reduction, and cellulite reduction.
Venus Legacy™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides and temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite, and licensed by Health Canada for the non-invasive treatment of skin tightening, temporary circumferential reduction, cellulite reduction, and wrinkle reduction.
Venus Velocity™ is cleared by the FDA and licensed by Health Canada for hair removal, permanent hair reduction, and the treatment of pseudofolliculitis barbae.
Venus Viva™ is cleared by the FDA and licensed by Health Canada for dermatological procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin. The DiamondPolar™ applicator is licensed by Health Canada for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides.
Venus Freeze Plus™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides, and licensed by Health Canada for the non-invasive treatment of cellulite reduction, skin tightening, and temporary reduction in the appearance of stretch marks.
Venus Fiore™ has been launched in India, Hong Kong, and other Asian countries, and is undergoing regulatory processes in Europe and North America. It is designed as a unique solution for feminine health with three applicators to address internal vaginal health restoration, labia skin tightening, and mons pubis reduction.
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