All About the Brazilian Butt Lift - What You Should Know

All About the Brazilian Butt Lift - What You Should Know

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a plastic surgery trend that involves the removal, processing, and reinjection of fat deposits into the upper butt area to create a rounded, fuller rear end. It is the fastest-growing cosmetic surgery in the world and has made waves with social media influencers. If you’re a fan of Instagram or TikTok, you might have already seen influencers posting about their BBL journeys. However, social media doesn’t give the whole picture, and there are some facts you should know before undergoing the procedure—as well as some less invasive alternatives.

What Happens During a Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure?

The BBL procedure is by no means a simple surgery. First, fat is removed through liposuction from chosen parts of the customer’s body. That fat must be processed and purified in such a way that it can then be re-introduced into the body. Much like any transplantation procedure - and make no mistake, this is a kind of transplant - there is a risk of rejection and a high likelihood that up to 50% of the injected fat will simply be reabsorbed into the body, rather than keeping its post-operative shape. A successful BBL is about more than the surgical procedure; the fat, once injected into the body, must be artfully shaped by the surgeon into a pleasing silhouette, and that shape must be maintained during the healing process. This usually involves slings and constrictive shapewear to retain the chosen figure and restrict the client’s movement and ability to sit, stand, or lie on their back.  

Why Are Brazilian Butt Lifts Controversial? 

It is a dangerous procedure, with mounting numbers of deaths; some patients have died due to the injected fat entering large arteries near the buttock area and traveling to the heart or lungs, causing blockages and embolisms. That’s to say nothing of the cost, which usually runs around $5000 for the procedure alone, not counting the cost of the operating room, general anesthesia, and the possibility of multiple liposuction sites. Furthermore, the body’s likelihood of breaking down some of the fat may lead to less-than-ideal results and, possibly, multiple surgeries in the long run. Some international clinics offer discounted procedures, but these are often associated with the highest risk of harm. These surgeries can be highly lucrative for surgeons, but sometimes at the cost of a client’s well-being and successful recovery.

What Are the Non-Surgical Alternatives to Brazilian Butt Lifts?

There is no question that the BBL is a risky and difficult cosmetic procedure, demanding extensive recovery time and costing significant money. If you wish to explore options for body reshaping that require minimal to no time away from work in recovery, that do not necessitate uncomfortable standing or sleeping positions, and that do not carry significant risk to health or life, a course of treatments with the Venus Concept line of body contouring and lipolysis products may be the ideal way to achieve your body shaping goals.  

Venus Bliss™ provides similar effects as the liposuction portion of a Brazilian butt lift, using diode laser applicators to break down and reduce fat in chosen areas of the body. The system also incorporates multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields to achieve smoothing and cellulite reduction effects in the body, offering clients a smoother, more contoured figure without the invasive nature of surgery. Those who use Venus Bliss™ can anticipate an easier and faster recovery period, along with a gentler treatment modality that targets particular circumferential and contouring goals. 

For body contouring, Venus Legacy™ is an all-in-one treatment system that highlights cellulite reduction, wrinkle reduction, and body smoothing. Offering comfortable treatments with no downtime, this highly advanced device is powered by the same radio and electromagnetic pulse technology as Venus Bliss™ and incorporates cutting-edge VariPulse™ technology.

I’ve Already Had a Brazilian Butt Lift - What Can Venus Concept Do for Me Now?

If you’ve already had a BBL, you may also benefit from the body shaping, cellulite reduction, and skin tightening* effects of Venus Concept’s treatment devices. In post-surgical recovery, the treatments can help to target specific areas for lipolysis, making delicate adjustments to the shape of the body. Furthermore, the liposuction extraction sites from the beginning of the procedure may experience loose or sagging skin; Venus Versa™ and Venus Legacy™ can provide a zero-downtime alternative to further surgery in these areas, assisting with tightening and shaping the body during post-surgery. The Venus Concept line of products could be key to keeping your BBL body for as long as possible, with minimal recovery time from maintenance treatments, in order to best achieve your aesthetic goals.

To find a clinic near you offering the safest and most effective solution for body contouring, use the search field provided below.

*Indication approved outside of the U.S

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