実年齢よりも老けて見られることを気にする方は多くいます。シワやたるみは最も一般的な加齢のサインです。また、シワは加齢だけでなく、日焼けや食事・ストレス・ホルモンバランスの変化・喫煙等のライフスタイルが原因で引き起こされます。シワ・たるみ治療といえば、かつては外科手術が主流だったため、治療をためらっていた方もいるのではないでしょうか? 今では、安全性やダウンタイムに配慮した“切らない治療”が増え、中には数回の治療で同じくらいの効果が得られるものもあります。
シワ改善治療が受けられる器械: ヴィーナスフリーズプラス, ヴィーナスフリーズ, ヴィーナスレガシー, ヴィーナスベルサ, ヴィーナスビバ
治療回数: 6回
Venus Freeze Plus™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides in females with Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. It is licensed by Health Canada for temporary skin tightening, and temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite on the abdomen and flanks, using the DiamondPolar™ and OctiPolar™ applicators. The DiamondPolar™ applicator on Venus Freeze Plus™ has CE Mark for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides, and the increase of skin tightening, temporary circumferential reduction, and cellulite reduction with the OctiPolar™ applicator.
Venus Freeze™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides in females with Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. It is licensed by Health Canada for temporary skin tightening, and temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite on the abdomen and flanks, using the DiamondPolar™ and OctiPolar™ applicators. The DiamondPolar™ applicator on Venus Freeze™ has CE Mark for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides, and the increase of skin tightening, temporary circumferential reduction, and cellulite reduction with the OctiPolar™ applicator.
Venus Versa™ is cleared by the FDA, licensed by Health Canada, and has CE Mark as a multi-application device intended to be used in aesthetic and cosmetic procedures. The SR515 and SR580 applicators are cleared by the FDA, licensed by Health Canada, and have CE Mark for the treatment of benign pigmented epidermal and cutaneous lesions and treatment of benign cutaneous vascular lesions. The HR650/HR650XL and HR690/HR690XL applicators are cleared by the FDA, licensed by Health Canada, and have CE Mark for the removal of unwanted hair and to effect stable long-term or permanent hair reduction for Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. The AC Dual applicator is cleared by the FDA, licensed by Health Canada, and has CE Mark for the treatment of acne vulgaris. The DiamondPolar™ and OctiPolar™ applicators on the Venus Versa™ system are cleared by the FDA for non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides on females with Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. The DiamondPolar™ applicator is licensed by Health Canada and has CE Mark for non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides on females with Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV. The OctiPolar™ applicator on the Venus Versa™ system is licensed by Health Canada and has CE Mark for temporary body contouring via skin tightening, circumferential reduction, and cellulite reduction. The NanoFractional RF™ (Viva) applicator is cleared by the FDA, licensed by Health Canada, and has CE Mark for dermatological procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin.
Venus Legacy™ is cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and rhytides in females with Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-IV with the OctiPolar™ and DiamondPolar™ applicators, and temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite with the 4D Body (LB2) and 4D Face (LF2) applicators. It is licensed by Health Canada and has CE Mark for the temporary increase of skin tightening, temporary circumferential reduction, temporary cellulite reduction, and temporary wrinkle reduction.
Venus Viva™ is cleared by the FDA, licensed by Health Canada, and has CE Mark for dermatological procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing of the skin. The DiamondPolar™ applicator is licensed by Health Canada and has CE Mark for the treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles and rhytides in Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV.
詳しくはこちら: 06-6910-4371 // [email protected] // #805岡田ビル、1-16-17、 中央区森ノ宮中央 大阪540-0003 // 詳しくはこちら: +81-3-3668-0806// [email protected] // 6F第一蔵王ビル2-3-4 中央区日本橋馬喰町 東京、103-0002
認可[ もっと ]
Venus Versa™ は良性色素性表皮・皮膚病変の治療、良性皮膚血管病変の治療、医療脱毛、尋常性座瘡の治療、アブレーションとリサーフェシングを要する皮膚科学的処置、非侵襲性の中度から重度のシワ治療にてFDA認可・カナダ保健省(Health Canada)のライセンスを取得しています。
Venus Legacy™ は非侵襲性の中度から重度の顔のシワ治療、一時的なセルライトの軽減にてFDA認可を取得しています。また、非侵襲性のスキンタイトニング・一時的なサイズダウン・セルライトの軽減・シワの軽減にてカナダ保健省(Health Canada)のライセンスを取得しています。
Venus Velocity™ は医療脱毛、長期的な減毛、尋常性毛瘡の治療にてFDA認可を取得しています。
Venus Viva™ はアブレーションとリサーフェシングを要する皮膚科学的処置においてFDAの認可・カナダ保健省(Health Canada)のライセンスを取得しています。DiamondPolar™ アプリケーターは非侵襲性の中度から重度の顔のシワ治療にてカナダ保健省(Health Canada)のライセンスを取得しています。
Venus Freeze Plus™ は中度から重度の顔のシワ治療にてFDAの認可を取得しています。また、非侵襲性のセルライトの軽減・スキンタイトニング・一時的な妊娠線の軽減 にてカナダ保健省(Health Canada)のライセンスを取得しています。
Venus Glow™はクラス1でFDA認可を受けています。毛穴を開きディープクレンジングを行うハイドロダーマアブレーション治療です。Venus ConceptはVenus Glow™の独占販売権を有しています。
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